8108 Gomez Ave., Hobe Sound, 33455
(772) 220-7114
Daily, sunrise to sunset

Peck Lake Park is adjacent to the Hobe Sound National Wildlife Refuge and north of Jupiter Island. There is a boardwalk through the park from the parking area out to the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW). The boardwalk begins at the edge of the mesic flatwoods and passes through a hardwood swamp, a mangrove swamp, a brackish slough, and onto a spoil island. The spoil island was created during the dredging of the ICW. The boardwalk ends on the other side of the spoil island at the ICW. This site is can be productive, especially during spring and fall migration, for its ease of access and diversity of habitats. Watch for American Redstarts and skulking Common Yellowthroats, and wintering shorebirds like Spotted Sandpipers at the water’s edge.