1420 Gilbert Ave., Sarasota, 34239
(941) 861-5000
Daily, 6:00am-10:00pm

This small 15-acre site contains a mesic hammock habitat located at the south end of the park that is unique in south Florida. Its character feels much more northern with its high, dense canopy of elms, hickories and oaks. Visit during early spring and look and listen for thrushes, wrens, warblers, vireos, flycatchers – just about any small migratory species passing through will make a stopover in this oasis. Check the overlooks along the edges of Phillipi Creek, where resident species such as herons, moorhens and ibises share the water with waterthrushes and Common Yellowthroats. Sharp-shinned and Cooper’s Hawks will find the canopy appealing, both for resting and for hunting. Wood Ducks are not uncommon in this unusual mix of wood and water. Keep an eye out for the barred owl pair that has nested there for over a decade.