3400 S. Seacrest Blvd., Boynton Beach, 33435
(561) 233-2400
Daily, sunrise to sunset

This 54-acre remnant of sand pine scrub includes a brief ADA trail (Gopher Tortoise Nature Trail – you may see a tortoise too!) and an additional three quarter mile sandy trail (Sand Pine Hiking Trail). While not very big, it’s a pocket of green in the middle of an otherwise urban area and gets a good variety of songbirds in migration and winter. Over 125 species have been recorded at the site including Great Horned Owl Pileated Woodpecker, Common Nighthawk and Loggerhead Shrike. 25+ species of wood-warbler are on the area’s checklist including Connecticut, Magnolia and Cape May. Rarities such as Black-throated Gray Warbler (2005 & 2015) and Western Spindalis (2014) have been recorded.