SW 232 Ave., Homestead, 33034
(954) 746-1789, (561) 686-8800
Daily, sunrise to sunset

Add this site to your itinerary when in the area and be sure to stop and check out Lucky Hammock during your visit. Predominately marsh and marl prairie with a sprinkling of tree islands, this property provides habitat for a plethora of sparrows and blackbirds along the roadside, as well as wading birds typical of Everglades marshes. Watch skyward for soaring Short-tailed Hawks and Swallow-tailed Kites. Check the brushy areas near the abandoned missile complex at the southern end of the road for White-crowned Pigeons (a very northern population). Be sure to look for tyrant flycatchers perched on fences and overhead wires and look and listen for owls and nightjars at dawn and dusk.