CR 880, Loxahatchee, 33470
(866) 433-6312
Fridays-Mondays, sunrise to sunset
Closed one day per weekend for seasonal hunt days (September to November)

This stormwater treatment area at the northern tip of Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge is an important refuge for clouds of waterbirds, including American Coots, Roseate Spoonbills, Black-bellied and Fulvous Whistling-Ducks, American White Pelicans and a plethora of shorebirds. A 200-foot viewing platform (with gazebos) makes observation easy (a scope is useful). Three species of kite and Crested Caracara have been recorded and Northern Harriers are common in winter. Look and listen for Purple Gallinules, Limpkins and King Rails year round and Sora during the winter. Other species recorded at this site include Western Kingbird, Lincoln’s Sparrow and Painted Bunting. You may also hike or bike the 3-mile levee trail to see more wildlife. The area is closed on specific dates during hunting season; please click here for more details.