2400 El Jobean Rd., Port Charlotte, 33948
(941) 613-3220
Daily, 6:00am-9:00pm

Don’t let the sports park at the entrance to this site fool you; 130 species of birds have been recorded at this 380-acre preserve that offers a variety of habitats including flatwoods, scrub, mangroves and tidal creeks, all surrounding a large central lake. Trail systems starting behind the ballfields lead you around the lake (look for Mottled Ducks, Common Gallinules and the occasional King Rail), then into well-maintained scrub and flatwoods where Florida Scrub-Jays can be found along with Northern Bobwhite, Common Ground-Dove, Red-headed Woodpecker, Pine and Prairie warblers. The secondary entrance at the end of Tea St. will take you along a tidal creek past Black-necked Stilts and White and Glossy Ibises to “Mount Tippecanoe,” a spoil pile with a commanding view of the entire site. In winter, both Nelson’s and Saltmarsh Sparrows have been spotted by local birders.