3900 SW 100th Ave., Davie, 33328
(954) 357-5130
Early November-Early March: 8:00am to 6:00pm
Early March-Early November: 8:00am to 7:30pm
Closed Christmas Day.

Tree Tops Park is the more developed of these two adjacent properties, with recreational fields, playgrounds, picnic shelters, restrooms and a visitor center. The oaks at Tree Tops provide a haven for songbird migrants in spring and fall; 17 species of wood-warbler have been recorded including Blackpoll and Magnolia. A MacGillivray’s Warbler (rare) was found here in November 2003. Walk the wetland boardwalk for the chance to see resident Purple Gallinules, and Blue-winged Teal, Ring-necked and Wood Ducks in winter. Pine Island Ridge is accessed via a trail that begins behind the Tree Tops Visitor Center, and winds through towering oaks into the property. This narrow parcel has sandy, multi-use paths (shared with horses) that extend to more remote areas good for Great Horned and Eastern Screech-owls. The thicker hammock to the left, after the trail splits, is a good location during the spring and fall. To the right, the trail continues on for quite a way, and the park gets progressively wider. Check the park website for a schedule of educational programs.