12410 74th Ave. N., Seminole, 33772
(727) 582-2100
Daily, 7:00am to sunset

This outstanding Pinellas County park in St. Petersburg has a bird list of over 175 species. There are several trail options, including a series of elevated boardwalks that lead to a 35-foot tall observation tower overlooking Boca Ciega Bay. Pine flatwoods, bayheads, oak hammock, mangroves, salt marsh and freshwater wetlands attract a plethora of species. Start your exploration by following the long entrance road south past a series of ponds and wetlands to the first parking area (take the first right). Here you can follow a short paved walkway back towards the entrance to scan the ponds for wading birds like White Ibis and Little Blue Heron, and mammals such as River Otter. Or hop on the nature trail which loops through flatwoods and a swamp in the center of the park. Next, proceed to the second parking area, where you can access the boardwalks and tower. Climb the tower and scope for Reddish Egret, Wood Stork and shorebirds loafing and feeding in the tidal shallows. Follow the boardwalk eastward along the mangroves to a viewing blind at a tidal creek in the southeastern corner of the park. More than 25 species of wood-warbler have been recorded and rarities such as Olive-sided Flycatcher and Connecticut Warbler have been spotted. A canoe/kayak launch (accessed from the second parking area) is provided for those who wish to paddle the bay.