16739 Crews Lake Dr., Spring Hill, 34610
(727) 861-3038
Daily, dawn to dusk

This delightful Pasco County park offers superb view of Crews Lake, where overwintering waterbirds like Least Sandpiper, Dunlin and Ring-necked Duck loaf and forage. Bring your spotting scope and take the boardwalk out to the observation deck to scan the lake, and then climb the adjacent observation tower for an even better look. Check for Sandhill Crane, Wood Stork, Anhinga, Pied-billed Grebe, Glossy Ibis, Bald Eagle and Belted Kingfisher as well. Sedge Wren and Savannah Sparrow call from the lakeside’s grassy margins, and migratory songbirds like the Bobolink exploit the edges between the wetlands and the oak hammock. Walk the woodland trails in search of Red- and White-eyed Vireos, Orange-crowned Warbler, Gray Catbird, Great Crested Flycatcher and House Wren. Short-tailed Hawks have been spotted here in recent years and during spring and fall migration up to 25 species of wood-warbler are possible. The park has a paved bike path, a butterfly garden, picnic areas, and both primitive and group camping facilities. The park checklist contains more than 160 bird species; this one is a must-see.