2700 Baillies Bluff Rd., Holiday, 34691
(727) 938-2598
Daily, dawn to dusk

If you are planning on birding in Pasco County this site is a must visit. Though fairly small in size, this nature park boasts an incredible list of over 220 bird species. Explore the hiking trails through sand pine uplands and visit the viewing tower, which overlooks mud flats on the Gulf where shorebirds, and waders feed at low tide. Also check the sandy beach on the south side of the park where gulls, terns and Black Skimmers congregate. Lesser Black-backed Gull and Bonaparte’s Gull are possible in winter. Watch for Brown Pelican, Common Loon, Red-breasted Merganser and Horned Grebe offshore, and Osprey and Bald Eagle soaring above. Though not easy to spot, Great Horned Owls have nested here. This park is also good for songbird fallouts during migration. Rarities such as White-winged Scoter, White-faced Ibis, Bar-tailed Godwit, Baird’s Sandpiper, Razorbill, Kelp Gull, and Franklin’s Gull have been spotted at the park. The boardwalk on the south side of the park connects to Anclote Gulf Park, and Anclote River Park is not that far away.