Twin Rivers State Forest Rd, Pinetta, 32350
(386) 208-1460
Daily, sunrise to sunset

The Twin Rivers State Forest’s scenic Ellaville Tract borders the western shore of the Suwannee River. You can explore miles of forest roads and trails here (map); habitats include sandhills, upland mixed forest, bottomland forest and floodplain forest. The 5-mile Trailwalker loop trail follows the Florida National Scenic Trail along the river and offers pleasant hiking with moderate bird diversity. Listen for Great Crested Flycatchers and Yellow-throated Vireos in spring and summer and Hermit Thrushes and Song Sparrows in winter. Portions of the trail may be seasonally flooded. Another entrance at the Twin Rivers Wildlife Management Area (0.8 mi. to the west on US 90) allows you to bird the forest by car, bike or foot. Follow the dirt road south for 2 miles, and then turn left (east) on Loop Road 2; multiple parking areas and trailheads allow additional access to the Trailwalker loop trail. The Blue Springs Tract is an example of a rare longleaf-wiregrass community. This fire-dependent habitat is home to Gopher Tortoise, Wild Turkey, Northern Bobwhite and Brown-headed Nuthatches. The area is closed during seasonal hunts in fall and spring; please click here for more details. The 376-acre Sullivan tract offers birding by canoe on the Withlacoochee River, plus hiking and biking on administrative roads north and south of CR 150.