Main Entrance: 8737 US 19 N., Port Richey, 34668
Scenic Drive Trail: 10333 Scenic Dr., Port Richey, 34668
Black Rail Trail Head: 6641 SR 52, Hudson, 34667
(727) 816-1890
Daily, 8:00am to sunset

This site protects 4 miles of pristine coastline north of Port Richey along with its namesake salt springs, salt and grass flats, seagrass beds, salt marshes and tidal creeks. While much of this property is not yet accessible to the public, three separate areas are currently open for hiking and kayaking. Stop briefly at the original entrance off Scenic Dr. and take the short footpath through mesic pine flatwoods and hydric hammock. Look for flocks of American Robin (winter) and other songbird species such as Gray Kingbird (summer) and Sedge Wren (winter). A pair of Bald Eagles has nested nearby, so don’t forget to look up. The Black Rail Trail starts in the northeast corner of the park at the west end of SR 52. This rustic footpath runs through a hammock of sabal palms, pines and red cedars out to a salt marsh. Though tempting, do not proceed beyond the posted area. Instead, listen here for the calls of Black Rail, Virginia Rail, Clapper Rail and Sora; also look and listen for Seaside Sparrows. The main entrance on US 19 (0.3 mi. north of Ridge Rd.) has four hiking trails, a kayak launch and picnic tables. Experienced paddlers may also enter the park’s waters via Brasher Park on the Gulf. Kayakers may encounter Reddish Egret, and Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphin.