Nomination Period:
10 a.m. Oct. 3, 2022 – 5 p.m. Feb. 28, 2023
The Great Florida Birding and Wildlife Trail is excited to announce the opening of nominations for new Trail sites! Interested parties are invited to review the FAQ, where you can learn about who can submit nominations and how to prepare a successful application. If you decide you want to proceed with a nomination, then check out the Application Packet where you’ll find the relevant paperwork and guidance on how to complete it. When you’ve prepared the necessary documents, the final step is to fill out and submit the Site Nomination Form.
This nomination process is only for sites that are not listed on the Trail. You can find out if your site is already on the Trail here. If you are interested in expanding an existing GFBWT site, please contact Lauren.Ali@MyFWC.com.
Lauren Ali
Great Florida Birding and Wildlife Trail Coordinator
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Russell Office Park
1875 Orange Ave, East
Tallahassee, FL 32311
Office Phone: +1 850 488 9478
Cell Phone: +1 850 559 0503
Email: lauren.ali@myfwc.com