Yamato Scrub Natural Area

701 Clint Moore Rd, Boca Raton, FL 33487
(561) 233 2400
Daily, sunrise to sunset

Red-bellied woodpecker by Ann Mathews

This 217-acre natural area is located in the heart of Boca Raton. Located less than two miles from the Atlantic Ocean, Yamato Scrub is a perfectly positioned “rest stop” for warblers and other migratory birds traveling along the coast during spring and fall. During these periods observant visitors can expect to see American Redstarts, Palm Warblers and Common Yellowthroats. Exploration of the site is facilitated by the ADA-accessible 0.7-mile Cicada Nature Trail and the natural surface 2.8-mile Cicada Nature Trail. Cyclists can make use of the multiuse El Rio Trail, which runs adjacent to Yamato Scrub’s western boundary. Habitats protected at Yamato Scrub include scrub, scrubby pine flatwoods and oak hammock. In the middle of the site, a restored 10-acre wetland provides excellent wading bird viewing opportunities. Little Blue Heron, Great Egret and American Bittern have been observed foraging in the restored wetland. In the summer, when the water levels are high, visitors to the site can expect to see multiple species of dragonfly including scarlet skimmer, eastern amberwing and comet darner.
